Dermfix 1000MX EU Version
Dermfix 1000MX UVB håndholdt lampe er en UVB basert lysterapiapparat for hjemmebruk, som sikrer behandling av psoriasis, vitiligo og atopisk eksem hvor som helst på kroppen. Enheten er utstyrt med et spesialutviklet smalbånd UVB 311nm-rør som standard. Denne modellen har et utvalg av linser - og kan derfor brukes med eller uten kamfeste.
Bruken av smalbånds UV-B lys på rundt 311 nm bølgelengde har blitt bevist under mange kliniske studier for behandling av mange vanlige hudforhold.
Denne modellen er utstyrt med en EU-plugg.
Merk: Merverdiavgift skal betales ved levering.
Dermfix 1000MX UVB håndholdt lampe er en UVB basert lysterapiapparat for hjemmebruk, som sikrer behandling av psoriasis, vitiligo og atopisk eksem hvor som helst på kroppen. Enheten er utstyrt med et spesialutviklet smalbånd UVB 311nm-rør som standard. Denne modellen har et utvalg av linser - og kan derfor brukes med eller uten kamfeste.
Bruken av smalbånds UV-B lys på rundt 311 nm bølgelengde har blitt bevist under mange kliniske studier for behandling av mange vanlige hudforhold.
Dermfix 1000MX er som standard:
* Utstyrt med Dermfix 9 watt UVB 311nm rør.
* Europeisk godkjent medisinsk utstyr for klasse IIa.
* 1 x digital LCD timer.
* 1 x Dermfix UV beskyttelsesbriller.
* Lettvekts håndholdt enhet.
* Kamseksjonen er avtagbar for bruk hvor som helst på kroppen.
* 2 års garanti som standard. (Gjelder ikke for utskiftbar pære).
Useful research has been published in the British Medical Journal titled:
Home versus outpatient ultraviolet B phototherapy for mild to severe psoriasis
Objective: To determine whether ultraviolet B phototherapy at home is equally safe and equally effective as ultraviolet B phototherapy in an outpatient setting for patients with psoriasis.
Conclusion: "Ultraviolet B phototherapy administered at home is equally safe and equally effective, both clinically and for quality of life, as ultraviolet B phototherapy administered in an outpatient setting. Furthermore, ultraviolet B phototherapy at home resulted in a lower burden of treatment and led to greater patients’ satisfaction."
Read the full report here:
British Medical Journal UVB
Research from the Department of Dermatology, Eberhard Karls University, Tuebingen, Germany shows:
"the present study does not provide evidence for an increased skin cancer risk for patients treated with either broadband or narrowband UVB phototherapy"
Click to see the published paper here
Research from Norway concluded:
"Treatment with a UV-B-comb offers a good alternative to topical corticosteroids for patients with scalp psoriasis."
Click to see the published paper here
Psoriasis lamp related research articles (click to view):
Quality of life in psoriasis improves
Cost-effective option for severe psoriasis
Control of moderate-to-severe psoriasis
UV-B phototherapy is a safe and efficacious treatment
Safe and effective treatment for a variety of inflammatory skin diseases
Therapeutic effect of UVB in psoriasis
Narrow-band ultraviolet B (311 nm) in psoriasis
Narrowband UV-B phototherapy, used 3 times weekly
Ultraviolet-B treatment eliminated production of IL-12 messenger RNA
Narrowband UV-B phototherapy clears psoriasis
Eczema related research articles (click to view):
Narrow-band UVB is an effective adjunctive treatment
Narrow-band UVB notably reduced atopic dermatitis after 3 weeks
The beneficial effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on atopic dermatitis
UVB phototherapy is a valuable and safe therapeutic option
UVB treatment a valuable supplement for the treatment of contact dermatitis.
NB UVB may be considered the first-line photo(chemo)therapeutic option
High dose UV-B in chronic hand eczema
Vitiligo related research articles (click to view):
Narrow-band ultraviolet B is a useful and well-tolerated treatment for vitiligo
UV-B microphototherapy seems highly effective in restoring pigmentation in patients affected by vitiligo
The quality of life significantly improved with narrow-band UVB311 nm phototherapy
treatment of patients with vitiligo with 311-nm UV-B radiation
achieved a nearly complete and cosmetically very satisfying repigmentation
Repigmentation induced with NBUVB is statistically significantly more stable.
We consider phototherapy to be a safe and efficacious modality for the treatment of vitiligo
Pityriasis Rosea related research article (click to view):
NBUVB is a safe, cost effective, and easily available treatment that could be adopted in management of Pityriasis Rosea
Technical Specs |
Pakkeliste Tekniske data 2 års garanti som standard.